Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bucket List

Last year instead of creating a New Year's Resolution I decided I would sit down with my husband and we would talk about our goals, dreams, and what we really wanted to experience before we 'kicked the bucket.' Here is the list I came up with:

1. Learn to snowboard
2. Learn to speak another language
3. Learn to play guitar
4. Go on a volunteer trip to another country and help build homes/schools
5. Travel the Oregon Coast
6. Fly in a helicopter
7. Go on a zip line adventure
8. Get a post secondary diploma
9. Go para sailing
10. Go to a Canucks game
11. Travel to Italy and Greece
12. Move to another country for 6 months or more
13. Have a child
14. Build/design my own home
15. Take up photography

This year is almost over and I'm happy to say I have begun checking things off my list. I took up snowboarding in January and loved it! I have also enrolled in University and have started to learn Spanish. Creating this list has given me a new look on life and things to look forward too. I also made sure to leave room on the list and add to it. I've created a scrapbook for both mine and my husbands lists and put pictures of us doing our bucket list activities. I can't wait to see what we will do next!

(This is my entry in the Just Ask Bucket List Getaway Giveaway. Just Ask offers a breast and ovarian cancer screening and is encouraging people to share 15 things that I want to enjoy in my lifetime as a reminder to be aware of my health. Want to enter? Head over to TodaysMama.com to get the details.)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hot Summer Nights

Last night I met up with the family at Riverside Park to watch Pirates 4. It's nights like last night that I love living in Kamloops. It was the perfect summer night. Great entertainment (whoever thought of playing movies outside on giant inflatable screens is genuis!), great company (I love my family), and a gorgeous sunset!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Simple Sundays

Just a small part of the beautiful province we live in.

Dawson Falls, Wells Gray, BC

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tough Decisions

Sometimes in life we are faced with decisions that we wish we didn't have to make. Recently one of my friends asked me for advice on one of these situations. I can help her talk out the scenarios but in the end the decision is hers and only hers to make. While pondering what to tell her I decided that the best advice I can give is this,
There is no point living in the what ifs, you have to live in the what is now.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Simple Sundays

A day of photoblog dedicated to the simple beauty of this province.

"The Caribbean of the North"

Johnson Lake, BC, Canada

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thoughts For Today...

I hear a lot of complaints from people that life isn't fair. We are surrounded by people who work hard every day of their lives and just can't catch a break. There are others who don't need to work hard and are just handed whatever their little heart desires. I've seen many people get jealous when talking about how unfair it is that some people get a "pass" through life. In the end we should feel sorry for these people because they will never experience the feeling of having their dreams come true based on their own hard work. There is no greater feeling than working hard to achieve your dreams and achieving them.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Oprah Is For Men Too

A couple weeks ago I was having dinner with my husband and we were chatting about how our days went. After a few minutes of going over the usual everyday things he shared something that not only did I find funny, but very interesting at the same time.
He started off by saying "So today I was watching Oprah.... because nothing else was on...." Watching Oprah is COMPLETELY out of character for my husband so this immediately caught my attention. After justifying his choice in television he continued, "Dr. Oz was on and they were talking about weight loss. Apparently for every 35 pounds a man loses, he gains an inch in penis length."
My immediate reaction was to laugh but then I got curious. I asked him if they could prove it and my husband said there was a couple on the show who were there to testify this fact. The man had lost over 100 pounds and his wife was there to state just how much she REALLY noticed the change after 70 pounds.
My husband has always been a stocky man but for him to lose 35 pounds would make him a quite thin. Regardless, I did ask him if he wanted to test this theory. He has lost about 10 pounds but I don't think he will make it to 35.
If you have a man who is struggling to lose weight I invite you to tell him this story and use it as a source of motivation. The end result could make both of you very satisfied! And if not, it may be a way to get your man to start watching Oprah reruns with you.